Welcome to our church...

Sunday Worship for Remembrance Sunday

10:30am, November 10th at Deighton Gates School

Sally and David will be leading and speaking at our service.
(More details will follow.)

Everyone is welcome to this and any of our services
and we warmly invite you to join us.

Wetherby Baptist and 'Margins' bookshop

Margins Bookshop in Church Street is our physical presence in the town of Wetherby, helping us to link to our community and provide a useful point of contact.

Normally plenty of people drop in to see the books we have to offer, to have a chat, and also to bring in their no-longer-wanted (pre-loved?) books to swell our collection.

We aim open Margins 10:00am—3:00pm on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, but very occasionally we may be closed due to lack of staff.

More about Margins...

About us

Deighton Gates School signWe are a small, friendly and active church meeting in a school on the northern edge of Wetherby in West Yorkshire.

Everyone is welcome to join us at any of our services and you will be assured of a warm reception. Our worship combines modern and traditional resources and is varied and informal, but not casual. We are part of Churches Together in Wetherby and regularly work together with other Christians in the town.

Our Vision is to grow as a welcoming community where everyone is equally valued, where Jesus Christ is honoured as Saviour and Lord, and the good news of God’s love and saving grace is proclaimed in word and deed.

We will fulfil this vision through:

  • seeking to do God’s will, led by the Holy Spirit, through committed worship, prayer and Bible study;
  • offering our gifts, time and material possessions for building God’s Kingdom;
  • being a welcoming and supportive community, where everyone is unconditionally loved, accepted as equal, and encouraged in their faith;
  • living as disciples of Jesus at home, at work, and in our community, working in partnership with others.

This summarised in the phrase: Loving God, serving others.

Our Events page gives details of all that's going on...

Church Calendar

The Church Calendar shows church, fellowship and leadership team meetings, plus plenty of other events, so have a browse and update your diaries!

Bible verse for November

May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace in your faith, that by the power of the Holy Spirit, your whole life and outlook may be radiant with hope.
Romans 15:13 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)

As always, it is good to take time to put these words in context by reading the full passage.

You may also want to incorporate the passage into the Prayer of Stillness, which we are encouraging our congregation to use as part of our prayer life.

Data Protection

Wetherby Baptist Church is committed to protecting all information that we handle about people we support and work with, and to respecting people’s rights around how their information is handled.

Our data protection policy explains our responsibilities and how we will meet them. Do have a look at it.